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8 technological inventions that could change the world in the future!


 Many of the great technological inventions would not have seen the light of day had it not been for these small inventions. That little one was the cornerstone of getting to where we are today.

 In this article, we highlight 8 little-known inventions, but they will have a big role in changing the future and anticipating it to a completely different level!

Unknown technological inventions, but they will change the shape of the future!

1-Transplanting organs that can grow with age

transolanting organs

 Organ transplantation is a medical necessity to correct any defects or defects in the internal organs. But pediatric organ transplants are often complex, as fixed-size transplants are able to continue to function as the child grows.

 This results in children having to undergo multiple surgeries throughout their childhood to repair or replace transplanted organs.

 To solve this problem, researchers from Boston Children's Hospital have created an invention that allows the transplanted organ to grow alongside the child.

This would reduce the number of surgeries that the child would have to endure.

 This invention could be very useful in promoting heart valve surgery in children. It can also be adapted for other clinical applications where the structure can be actively used to encourage growth as a tissue scaffold.

2-Solar Low Pressure Drip Irrigation Systems

solar low pressure drip

 One of the technological inventions that will have a brilliant future for its appropriate economic cost. In areas where there is a shortage of water for agriculture, a method such as drip irrigation can be very beneficial.

 Drip irrigation is a method consisting of a long, thin tube that runs across the entire field.

 The tube contains droppers that drop water at the base of the plant, and the amount of water and duration can be changed according to the requirements of the crop.

 This method reduces total agricultural water consumption by 60% and increases crop yield by 90%.

 Although this technique is very useful, the high initial cost and lack of electrical power to pump the water has discouraged the more common adoption of this method.

 To get around this, engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology improved the design of the drip emitter by modifying its dimensions.

 The improved drip device allows the same amount of water to be pumped at one seventh of the pressure required by other drip devices. This lower pressure requires less power and, therefore, a smaller and inexpensive pump can be used for it.

 This cost reduction could make the solar-powered system more affordable for small farmers.

 With the rising cost of fuel and its inevitable depletion, switching to solar energy can reduce recurring fuel bills and can also be available to those off the grid.

 Switching to solar energy can also help reduce the load on the electrical grid by farmers using electric pumps.

 Thus, a solar-powered low-pressure drip irrigation system can help increase the yield and income of farmers and help them out of poverty.

3-The latest medical technological inventions - printing skin and human organs

 The concept of printing human skin and organs seems beyond our imagination, but it does exist! 3D bioprinters have been here for a while and can manufacture complex structures.

 Unlike regular laser printers with color ink cartridges, bioprinters contain bio-ink that forms living human cells.

 When the bio-ink is injected under the skin where there is a wound, the cells in the bio-ink communicate and form a biologically relevant vascular structure within a few weeks.

 After the bio-ink is injected under the skin, near-infrared light is passed through a digital chip that contains building instructions specific to the bio-ink.

 When the light passes through the chip, it picks up the instructions and carries them deep under the skin to the bio-ink underneath.

 Once the bio-ink receives the instructions, it rolls under the skin and forms the custom shape.

 Although this invention is still in its early stages, it has the potential to create whole organs and helps in the implantation of skin grafts for burn victims and cancer patients.

4-smart bricks

smart bricks

 What if stones were invented to serve additional benefits? This is exactly what the researchers did. Researchers have found that brick structures have much more potential than just walls for our homes.

 With its porous mesh and strong material, the bricks can be converted from traditional bricks to smart bricks, which can store energy and provide electricity for various appliances in your home.

 In order for the bricks to store electricity, a series of gases were pumped into their pores. These gases react with the chemical components of the brick and form a network of plastic nanofibers called "PEDOT", which is a good conductor of electricity.

 This process turns the bricks into a darker shade of blue instead of the usual red. These bricks can provide power to sensors and small LED lights.

 But in order for these bricks to store energy as long as Li-ion batteries and to provide enough electricity to charge a laptop, further development is required.

 When these technological inventions become commercially available, the walls of our homes will be able to store renewable energy like a battery.

5-Fabric that generates electricity

fabric that generates electricity

 Imagine being able to charge your mobile phone with the electricity generated by your shirt!

 Professor Zhong Lin Wang, a materials scientist from Georgia Institute of Technology, and his team have created a flexible and foldable fabric that can generate electricity.

 As the cloth moves while walking or doing any form of activity, the energy of the motion can be harvested and used to charge your phone.

 The fabric does not look unnatural and can be worn as a regular jacket. But it is a little heavier than your regular jacket due to the electronic gadgets included in it. The material is known as a wearable "proprietary nanogenerator".

 The fabric is made of layers of silver separated by a polymer-coated zinc oxide. When the fabric moves or flexes, the zinc oxide comes into contact with the silver and generates electricity.

 When tested, the fabric can operate small screens, LED lights and keyless remote controls. Besides, the wearable electronic device also has huge prospects in the medical field as it can act as medical sensors that stick to the skin without being triggered by external sources.

6-Gel for degenerative disc disease

gel for degenerative disc disease

 This gel can help treat disc degeneration in a non-surgical way, by restoring disc size and height, thus reducing the pain experienced by patients with this disease.

 This gel helps treat the problem instead of just trying to get rid of the symptoms like other treatments.

 The product is still in the early stage of development and shows promising potential. Many laboratory and animal tests have been conducted, and now is the time to adapt them to patients' needs

7-Eating smog mural

eating smog mural

 Cities have become more polluted over the years, but during this pandemic we have been able to see less pollution.

 To promote this, even when the world returns to normal, the American shoe company, Converse, has started a project called "Converse City Forests".

 The company collaborates with artists to paint murals in 13 major cities of the world. These murals have their own characteristic. It is made of photocatalytic paint that feeds on smog.

 Paint uses light energy to break down harmful air pollutants and turn them into harmless substances. It acts as an air purifier that can be covered anywhere to protect people from harmful gases.

8-One of the most promising technological inventions: the diamond battery

the diamond battery

 A research team at the University of Bristol has discovered an innovative way to use nuclear waste to our advantage. They developed the concept of a nuclear battery that could run on the radioactivity of waste graphite obtained from nuclear plants.

 The battery is known as a "diamond battery", which can generate small amounts of electricity for thousands of years.

 The diamond battery has many advantages such as no moving parts, no emissions, no maintenance and no need to recharge.

 The battery uses carbon-14 extracted from graphite blocks, which are used to soften the nuclear reaction in power plants.

 There are millions of tons of graphite blocks available worldwide, and this process can help reduce their radioactivity and the cost of disposal.

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